This picture is like, six years old. My mom looks ridiculous, and I look.. *coughfatcough*. Anyway. It was taken at the beach when I was 14/15, I think. This woman is the light of my life. She has obviously been there with me through everything. From holding me when I was crying about my "friends" ignoring me and treating me like I was unimportant, to my first hospitalization/treatment, my second, third, fourth, fifth, and my last. She has watched me waste away, and come alive again. She loves me more every single day. She tells me I get more and more beautiful each day. She put up with me clinging to her in my illness, and put up with me when I hated her and wanted nothing to do with her when I was a young teenager. I am not an easy person to love, and she has loved me anyway. She has gotten frustrated, tired, angry, scared, worried about me, and felt all alone when I was dying from anorexia. However much she hated me at times, (and let me tell you, she had every right- I was ruining her life) she still wanted only the best for me. She loved me when I couldn't love myself. She prayed for me, and believed in me. She believed with all of her heart that I could get better, even when I was set on dying from my eating disorder. She has encouraged me on my path of recovery, celebrated with me, and held me when I didn't think I couldn't go through another day of this. With my mother's love, I am never alone. No matter how far apart we are- even when I'm 400 miles away, I still feel her love for me, always. I don't think I've ever met another person as sweet and kind as my mother, except maybe her mother. She is so amazing. SO amazing. So beautiful, strong, courageous, and wonderful. She's the best mother I could've asked for. The best mother I could've dreamed of. I love her with every piece of my heart.
Love you Momma :)
Challenge 2, day 2:
Favorite movie:
Hm... Idk. Probably the first Harry Potter movie. I know, lame.
Challenge 3, day 2:
The meaning behind my blogspot name:
Resmiranda is latin for Wonderful Circumstance. I learned it from a choral song called "There is No Rose of Such Virtue." I think my life is full of wonderful circumstances that make me who I am. Without everything (I mean everything. The good, the bad, and the ugly.) that has happened in my life, I wouldn't be who I am. And I quite like who I am, thank you very much. I love the word Resmiranda, and I love what it means, so that's why I used it.
Day 2: Done. :)
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