More about life, love, the pursuit of happiness, and the girl behind the blog.

The Girl

I'm Staci.


Warnings: Sometimes volatile. Blatantly honest. Has a tendency towards mania. Loves fiercely, deeply, and completely. Uses colorful language often. Fiercely protective of those she loves.  Highly opinionated. Has self-destructive tendencies. Laughs too loud. Forgives too easily. Never forgets. Worries excessively. Sarcastic at most times. Bitchy occasionally.

These are the people and things that I wake up for in the morning.

Julie, music, summer nights, pretty days, coffee, good conversation, hugs, kisses, loving, being loved, Dana, butterflies, my sisters, comfortable silences, books, learning, random facts, quotes, listening, people watching, night time, photography, new places, the beach, bodies of water in general, traveling, hearing my grandparents talk about their lives growing up, my animals, helping others, cuddling, quiet time, long showers, sleep, beauty, being outside, walking around, my momma, my brother, the rest of my family, playing like a kid, riding go karts, chocolate, not having to worry about things, feeling free, the five minutes after I hit the snooze button, me time, trampolines, flowers, springtime, fall, snow, rain, thunderstorms, being tan, cute clothes, drawing, fairy tales, watching things advance, watching people grow, meeting new friends, phone calls, hearing from people I haven't heard from in a while, snail mail, having all my bills paid, accomplishing things on my own...